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Contributing People Data

Person data is maintained in the openstates/people repository. This repository contains YAML files with all the information on given individuals and committees.


Please note that this portion of the project is in the public domain in the United States with all copyright waived via a CC0 dedication. By contributing you agree to waive all copyright claims.

Checking out

Fork and clone the people repository:

  • Visit and click the 'Fork' button.

  • Clone your fork using your tool of choice or the command line:

    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'people'..
  • Build the environment with poetry:

    $ poetry install
    Installing dependencies from lock file
  • And remember to install pre-commit hooks:

    $ pre-commit install
    pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

Repository overview

The repository consists of a few key components:

  • settings.yml Settings for state legislatures, including the number of seats, and current vacancies.
  • data/ Data files in YAML format on legislators, organized by state & status.

You can use the os-people and os-committees commands to manage the data:

poetry run os-people --help


poetry run os-committees --help

Common tasks

Updating legislator data by hand

Let's say you call a legislator and find out that they have a new phone number, contribute back!

See for details on the acceptable fields. If you're looking to add a lot of data but unsure where it fits feel free to ask via an issue and we can either amend the schema or make a recommendation.

  1. Start a new branch for this work
  2. Make the edits you need in the appropriate YAML file. Please keep edits to a minimum (e.g. don't re-order fields)
  3. Submit a PR, please describe how you came across this information to expedite review.

Retiring a legislator

  1. Start a new branch for this work
  2. Add an end_date to their most recent role within the appropriate legislator's YAML file
  3. Run poetry run os-people retire with the appropriate legislator file(s) from the root directory
  4. Review the automatically edited files & submit a PR.

Updating an entire state's legislators via a scrape

Let's say a North Carolina has had an election & it makes sense to re-scrape everything for that state.

  1. Start a new branch for this work (e.g. nc-2021-people-update)
  2. Scrape data using Open States' Scrapers
  3. Run poetry run os-people merge nc scrapes/2021-01-01/001 against the generated JSON data from the scrape
  4. Manually reconcile remaining changes, will often require some retirements as well.
  5. Check that data looks clean with poetry run os-people lint nc --summary
  6. commit your changes and prepare a PR.

Example of the process:

(In this example, we assume the people repo is stored at ~/gitroot/people and the openstates-scrapers repo is stored at ~/gitroot/openstates-scrapers)

:#~/gitroot/openstates-scrapers$ poetry run spatula scrape
success: wrote 41 objects to _scrapes/2022-06-17/001
:#~/gitroot/openstates-scrapers$ OS_PEOPLE_DIRECTORY=~/gitroot/people poetry run os-people merge de _scrapes/2022-06-17/001/
analyzing 120 existing people and 41 scraped
 perfect match
 perfect match
 perfect match
    other_names: append {'start_date': '', 'end_date': '', 'name': 'Gerald L. Brady'}
    name: Gerald L. Brady => Charles "Bud" M. Freel
    email: =>
    offices changed from:
    Capitol Office address=411 Legislative Ave. Dover, DE 19901 voice=302-744-4351
    Capitol Office address=411 Legislative Avenue Dover, DE 19901 voice=302-744-4351
    links: append {'url': '', 'note': 'homepage'}
    sources: append {'url': '', 'note': ''}
(m)erge? (r)etire Gerald L. Brady? (s)kip? (a)bort?


This example stops at step #4 because the final steps all require manual work. We can use --retirement <date> to automatically retire members during this process, but this requires knowing that all potentially retired members happened at the same time.

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